Excavator Buckets

Crawler Excavator Buckets

Atlantic Attachment Services Inc can help you to get quality new as well as good used buckets for your crawler excavator.

Call for a quote.

Grey HD rock bucket from H&H manufacturing sitting on gravel in manufacturer's yard.
Grey H&H bucket on excavator in a parking lot with teen boy with brown hair, black shirt, and jeans standing in the bucket. The bucket reaches his shoulders. Traffic sign is behind the excavator bucket.

Atlantic Attachment Services is a proud representative of  H&H Manufactured buckets. With buckets for digging, ditching and extreme
surfaces, contact us to get a bucket for your excavator today.

Check out these excavator buckets hard at work on a highway project.

Severe Heavy Duty Rock Buckets

H&H Severe duty rock bucket sitting on cement in a manufacturer's paint bay.
Trailer loaded with severe duty grey rock buckets. Trailer is sitting in a yard on a gravel pad.
Trailer loaded with severe duty grey rock buckets. Trailer is sitting in a yard on a gravel pad. Side and back view of the buckets

These 48″-72″ severe duty rock buckets were built in July of 2023 for a construction company working in a hard rock project in Greenland.

If you are working in similar conditions and need strong buckets that can stand up to a challenge, call Larry today to get your order started.

H and H heavy duty rock bucket

Heavy Duty buckets are constructed with AR400 material in all the wear areas.

H&H heavy duty rock buckets

EXHD Rock Buckets built for the toughest jobs! 

ditch cleaning bucket

Excavator Ditch Cleaning Buckets are used for slope work, land clearing, ditching, grading, backfilling, waste handling and golf course maintenance.

material supply bucket

H&H Material Supply Buckets are used in aggregate supply and landscape supply facilities.

cribbing bucket

 Cribbing Buckets are time-saving attachments used in railroad maintenance to clean between ties.

tilt and ditching bucket

Excavator Tilt and Ditching Buckets are the attachment of choice for slope work, land clearing, ditching, grading, backfilling, waste handling and golf course maintenance.

skeleton buckets

H&H Skeleton buckets are constructed with AR400 steel plate for high strength and a long wear life.

ripper buckets

An H&H ripper bucket is built with heavy AR400 steel plate for high strength and a long wear life.

slab bucket

H&H Slab Buckets are the tool of choice for the removal
of saw cut concrete slabs, pavement slabs and bridge decks.

root rake

 Excavator Root Rake

Looking for extreme buckets?

XHD bucket

Atlantic Attachment Services represents the Bateman line of larger sized excavator
buckets for machines like this one for a Hitachi EX1200-5


Used Buckets

42″ Cat 325/330 D

Inventory #1037

CAT 325/330 D bucket side profile
inside of a CAT 325/330 D excavator bucket

Cat 335 60 inch bucket

Inventory #1193

side profile of CAT 335 excavator bucket
back side of CAT 335 excavator bucket

48” Bucket for Cat 345 DL 

Has TB Linkage 

Inventory #1138 

back profile of CAT 345 48 inch bucket
front view of CAT 345 48 inch bucket

Need a coupler for that bucket? Click  here to go to our coupler page.

Contact us for a quote today.