Customer Testimonials

What our customers think…

100 foot CAT385C Long Reach Boom custom ordered for our long-time customer in Quebec Canada.  Call us to order yours today.

Long Reach boom assembly sold to Boire Excavating LTD, Saskatchewan Canada…

From the day it was installed at Finning it worked 7 days a week for the last 5 weeks . We had no issues with it. Very happy with the product.
Adrien Boire Excavating Ltd, Sask. Canada 2016

Long Reach Boom

Hi Larry. I never got the chance to phone and thank you for the long reach you sold me. it was exactly what you said it would be, fit well and worked excellent. much appreciated hope business is great for you in 2020. I would defiantly recommend you to any one great service! Harlan Gunter 

Hilltop Produce

Prince Edward Island, Canada

long boom

“The boom is working great.  We would have put around 30 hrs on it up until now and no issues.”

Dynamic Construction

Harbour Breton , NL

Proudly displaying this PC-400 with a 101 foot long reach boom assembly purchased through Atlantic Attachment Services Inc in 2018.

PC excavator and boom

Thanks for everything! Great service.   Mark Hutchings, Dynamic Construction 

long reach boom

Sold to our repeat customer in Quebec Canada.

This 2019 85 foot long reach boom assembly with a 52″ x 1.83 cy bucket for a CAT 390 excavator.

And here just some of the great attachments that we have also sold…

coal bucket 17 cy coal bucket for aCAT 988K loader built our valued customer Toromont CAT in Cape Bretton, NS, Canada

stick extension This image of a CAT365C stick extension came from a satisfied customer in Nova Scotia Canada.

Bateman built long reach boom This 70ft long, Canadian made, Bateman manufactured long reach boom for a Komatsu PC600, is one of two built to work in Northern Ontario, Canada.

85 ft boom
CAT 345 boom
72 foot boom

Komatsu long reach boom Sold to the Paradise NL Komatsu Dealer

long reach boom Sold to Toromont CAT dealer in St. John’s NL

long reach boom
CAT 320 boom
snow pusher

plows for MA Snow Plows headed to a Massachusettes municipality.

Contact us for your heavy equipment attachment needs!